Evolving online behaviors reflect on voice over for video

Posted by Kerry Vallins on August 10, 2017

Using the right voice over for video marketing efforts could be the best way to catch the attention of a tech-focused market with short attention spans.

A great voice over can make any product more relatable to your consumer. For more information on how voice over artists can benefit your brand, read our blog: ‘Win consumer trust with professional voice over talent.’ 

The fast growth of modern technology – smartphones, tablets, the penetration of the internet, and our constantly switching between apps and devices – has been blamed by many for creating a generation of people with limited attention spans.

The crux of the argument is that digital technology puts so much in the way of content in front of people’s faces 24/7 that it’s almost impossible for them to switch off mentally. In 2016 a report circulated online that people now have shorter attention spans than goldfish; a claim which is being debunked a year later.

From personal experience though, there does seem to be a kernel of truth in the negative effects of content overload. How many videos and ads do you skip on YouTube or scroll past on Facebook on an hourly basis?

Catch people’s attention with a strong voice over for video

For the business owner who has invested heavily in producing videos to advertise their brand online, short attention spans can be their biggest problem.

They may have created something special and targeted the right people over social media but how do you stop users from instantly passing over your brilliant content?

We are now living in a ‘video first world’ with Cisco predicting that, by 2019, 80% of the world’s online traffic will come from videos. There’s a fantastic slideshow produced by Ogilvy that also highlights how ‘traditional’ video marketing is falling by the wayside in our digital times.

They note how a video has to be edited in a way that’s responsive to its environment. For instance, they say using square videos for Facebook is a must for better digestion on mobiles, while some brands could benefit from producing Live content for the platform.

So, where does voice over come into it? With the right audio and voice artist, making a strong first impression with a creative voice over for video could go a long way to turning casual audiences into long-term customers.

Using the right voice over in a digital world

Consider Facebook. At the start of the year the platform updated its algorithm so that videos in people’s newsfeeds will autoplay with the sound turned on by default.

That gives advertisers – especially those with a budget to target their audience – a window to communicate with the people they value most by using a strong, passionate voice artist to pique initial interest.

If voice over for video instantly commands attention, intriguing and engaging the viewer, it’s more likely they will watch the full length of the content and explore more of the campaign. The more you strategize your video and pick the right voice over artist that speaks your potential customers’ language, the greater chance the campaign will succeed.

Working with the right voice talent agency can help you to choose that artist as well as produce exciting, powerful recordings in impeccably-controlled conditions for the best quality possible.

The right agency will also be highly experienced in post-production audio techniques including sound editing, synchronization, mixing, re-records and file-splitting in most formats to enhance your video’s message and make it stand out from the competition.

Voice Talent Online has access to over 1,500 creative, energetic and multilingual voice talents, fluent in over 75 languages. Contact us today to find out more about enhancing the quality and reach of your online marketing videos.

A great voice over can make any product more relatable to your consumer. For more information on how voice over artists can benefit your brand, read our blog: ‘Win consumer trust with professional voice over talent.’ 


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